
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Head Teaching Assistant

Stanford University: School of Computer Science

Winter 2023; Fall 2021

Intro to Theory of Computation

Teaching Assistant

Stanford University: School of Computer Science 

Fall 2022

Modern Applications: Linear Algebra & Multivariable Calculus

Teaching Assistant

Stanford University: School of Mathematics

Winter 2022 - Spring 2022

Intro to Artificial Intelligence

Head Teaching Assistant

Georgia Tech: School of Computer Science

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021

Object-Oriented Programming

Teaching Assistant

Georgia Tech: School of Computer Science

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

Differential Equations

Teaching Assistant

Georgia Tech: School of Mathematics

Spring 2019

Final Exam Review - MATH 2552 - Differential Equations.pdf

Gravitational Waves and the Future of Science - Public Lecture

Summer 2018

FINAL_Ondas gravitacionais e o futuro da ciencia.pdf

Intro to Astrophysics and Relativistic Physics - Elective Instructor

Summer 2017

Aula 1 - Contexto.pptx
Aula 2 - Relatividade Restrita.pptx
Aula 3 - Matemática Relativisticapptx[3449].pptx
Aula 4 - Forças Nucleares e Colisões Relativisticas.pptx
Aula 5 - Relatividade Geral.pptx
Aula 6 - Estrelas.pptx
Aula 7 - Buracos Negros.pptx
Aula 8 - Gravidade e seus mistérios.pptx
Aula 9 - Multiverso.pptx